Install UV Light for HVAC Systems to Increase Indoor Air Quality
Installing a UV light air purifier to your existing HVAC system will provide numerous benefits to your building, employees, and customers. UV light and coronavirus are frequently lumped together because of the significant air purification effects of UV light sanitizers.
What Is a UV Light Air Purifier?
When you install UV light for HVAC systems, it helps to purify the air in a building. UV light uses specific wavelengths to attack airborne pollutants, inactivates viruses, and kills mold or bacteria. A UV light sanitizer negates a pathogen’s ability to multiply by altering its DNA and RNA.
Since the start of the pandemic, UV light and coronavirus are often mentioned together. That is because businesses are searching for safe ways to keep their operations going and employees safe at work. UV light kills or inactivates as much as 99.9% of viruses, bacteria, fungus, and mold spores. The air purification benefits of UV light for air conditioners make it a desirable option during the COVID-19 pandemic.
How Does UV Light for AC Units Work?
First, professionals install A UV light air purifier to a building’s air conditioning unit. After installation, the UV lamps provide two distinct uses for improving a facility’s indoor air quality: air disinfection and improved efficiency levels.
The UV light air purifier acts as a filter after ambient air is drawn into your system. The UV light sanitizer kills airborne infectious microorganisms leaving only clean air to return to a space. The air cleansing aspect of UV light for HVAC systems is what has grabbed the interest of so many business owners during the COVID-19 pandemic.
UV light for AC units also helps maintain and improve efficiency levels. Purified air prevents dust and other airborne particles from building up on air ducts, HEPA filters, cooling coils, and other equipment. Having UV sanitizers dramatically reduces the need for maintenance and repair.
What Are the Benefits of UV Light for HVAC Systems?
Organizations find several benefits that go beyond disinfecting and improving efficiency after installing a UV light air purifier. While the COVID-19 pandemic has people concentrating on killing airborne viruses, businesses can also reap other health benefits. UV light sanitizers kill mold spores and germs, making employees and visitors less likely to have health issues. People that experience side-effects from allergies and asthma will breathe easier and be more productive. Employees will require fewer sick days because your facility helps protect them from illness.
Another benefit of UV light for air conditioners is the elimination of odors. Some pathogens can be the cause of some rather funky smells. Neither your employees nor customers want to spend much time in a room that stinks. Some of the unwanted odors are caused by volatile organic compounds (VOCs.) Eye, nose, and throat irritation, nausea, and headaches are all common symptoms of VOCs.
Business owners and operators especially enjoy the affordability of UV light for HVAC systems. With so many organizations financially struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic, a cost-effective strategy to keep everyone safe is essential. UV light air purifiers are easy to install, resulting in no downtime.
The improved efficiency of your system results in lower operational costs. Using less energy means lower bills. Maintained efficiency helps avoid costly repairs and part replacements as well. While UV light for HVAC does improve your overall system and protect against damage, a preventative maintenance contract should still be in place.
How Do You Have a UV Light Air Purifier Installed?
A professional HVAC installation company can easily retrofit an ultraviolet light system in your existing air conditioner. Experts will take the proper steps to maximize the UV light’s effectiveness for HVAC systems at your facility.
Experts will make sure your UV light air purifier is installed in the most effective area of your equipment. Often, near the air handler is the best spot to kill viruses, mold, and pathogens. The following step is drilling holes in your metal cover to insert the UV lamp.
Expert technicians put the UV light in place and secure it to the air conditioning unit. After it is attached, the technician will test your new UV light sanitizer to make sure it is properly functioning. From there, the only maintenance required for UV light air purifiers is cleaning and replacing bulbs based on the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Air Comfort Wants to Help Keep You Safe With UV Light Air Purifiers
Air Comfort has the knowledge and expertise to install UV light for HVAC systems to protect everyone’s health that enters your building. To learn more about UV light for air conditioners, please contact us today.
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