Learn the Reasons Why Your Heater Is Not Working
To avoid business downtime or catastrophic damage, businesses must act quickly when a commercial central heating unit is not turning on. Thankfully, many of the issues can be checked and fixed immediately.
The Problems of a Central Heating Unit Not Turning On
Few things can negatively affect a business or facility like the central heating unit not turning on in the middle of a cold winter. The best-case scenario is that you have to deal with employees or visitors that are uncomfortably cold. The more likely scenario is far worse. Businesses often have to shut down when the HVAC won’t heat. Businesses lose money every time a facility has to stop its operations. The problem could be compounding if untreated for too long. If the indoor temperature plummets, the pipes could freeze or ruin other pieces of machinery.
Emergency HVAC service calls can be costly and difficult to schedule if not part of a maintenance plan. Luckily there are several quick-fix solutions that you can take care of yourself to avoid furnace repair costs.
What to Check When the Heat Won’t Kick On
If you can’t figure out why the heater is not working, start with the power supply. It’s become a bit of a joke to ask if the power is on when troubleshooting. However, there’s a reason why it’s always the first question when asking for support. Power cords can accidentally get unplugged. People passing by can accidentally flip power switches off.
Along with power sources, checking circuit breakers and fuses is a straightforward task. Resetting a tripped breaker or replacing a fuse can be an easy way to restore power but should not be frequent. Professional repairs are required if this repeatedly happens because it is a sign of an electrical malfunction.
If you have a gas furnace, empty propane or heating oil tanks could be another reason your heater is not working. Make sure tanks are full and properly connected to your system. It is easy to underestimate how long it’s been since you last refilled your tank.
Another simple step when trying to find out why your HVAC won’t heat is to check the air filters. If the task of switching out filters has slipped your mind, they may have accumulated a thick enough layer of dust and debris that obstructs airflow. Modern systems have safety features that shut down heaters if airflow rates drop below a safe level to avoid the risk of fires. If your air filter is dirty, replace it to ensure proper airflow.
The thermostat could be a reason the heat won’t kick on as well. Make sure the thermostat is on the heat setting. An HVAC system won’t heat if the thermostat is set for a temperature lower than your facility’s ambient temperature. Raise the temperature setting and see if the heater turns on. Replacing the batteries in your thermostat can solve power issues as well. Taking the time to look at the thermostat’s operator’s manual may offer information about settings that could be the issue.
If your heating system stopped working, and none of these solutions have it back on, professional services are likely required. Because of the dangers associated with HVAC systems, experts should handle significant repairs.
Air Comfort has been providing industry-leading commercial HVAC repairs since 1935. There is no issue we cannot handle.
Lack of Maintenance Can Be a Reason Why the Heater Is Not Working
Regular preventative maintenance plays a critical role in making sure your HVAC system is working correctly. Professional furnace maintenance is a great way to protect your business from experience downtime and business interruptions. Preventative maintenance contracts cover a wide range of services for air conditioning and heating systems. Providers can customize them to ensure you are getting the maintenance you need and not paying for services you don’t.
Routine maintenance performed by expert HVAC technicians helps lower costs as well. Catching small issues and making little fixes helps protect you from the need for costly repairs or replacements. Routine maintenance also helps ensure maximum efficiency.
Air Comfort Has Answers When the Heat Won’t Kick On
If your central heating unit is not turning, Air Comfort can diagnose and fix the problems. We have been providing flexible problem-solving solutions for HVAC systems since 1935. To set up a maintenance plan, schedule maintenance, or receive emergency repairs, contact Air Comfort today.
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